Many St John's members are involved in a wide range of rosters that serve our Church community each week. These rosters include:
- Ushering & Welcoming
- Bible Reading
- Holy Communion serving
- Music
- Sound Desk & Multimedia
- Offering recording
- Tea & Coffee serving
- Warden
- Flowers
- Maintenance - Cleaning & Gardening
Master Rosters are produced every 4 months, for both the 8.30am Church and 10.00am Chapel services. There is also a Church Maintenance roster, for Cleaning and Gardening at the Ministry Centre (Church). See the links for the current rosters.
To be involved, contact the Church Office
God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. ~ Hebrews 6:10