
Journeying with Christ

24 March, 2024 Tick Zweck (Lay Reader)

Today’s gospel reading tells the story of Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem on what we now know and celebrate as Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week. An excited crowd waved palm and olive branches to joyfully welcome, and appeal to, the One who they believed to be the prophesied king who would save them from their oppressors. But the path that Jesus chose to follow that day wasn’t the expected one, their king came not with a display of power and pomp, but in peace, riding on a donkey. As they celebrated, they weren’t aware at the time the journey he was about to embark on, the peaks and valleys of the week to come, the purpose of His divine calling.

But as we begin today to journey the whole way with Jesus through this emotional Passion Week, we can recognise why He took the path of humility and suffering - and in the light of His love and knowing we are reconciled with God, can celebrate too, and obediently respond to His call to continue to walk with Him and follow His example of humility, service, and love to others all year around.



17 March, 2024 Kathryn Schulze (Lay Reader)

It’s the beginning of the AFL season for the South Australian teams this weekend. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if one of our teams won the premiership this year? What are the chances! But how long do we bask in the glory of a premiership - no longer than a season. Jesus won a much greater victory and it’s still as current today as it was 2000 years ago.


Look up and Live

10 March, 2024 Rev Dr Dean Zweck

We’ve all seen those signs warning about the danger of overhead powerlines: LOOK UP AND LIVE! Being a pastor with a bit of a one-track mind, when I saw that sign for the first time I thought to myself: There’s got to be a sermon in that! And of course there is, and two of our readings today, from Numbers chapter 21 and John chapter 3, are the perfect texts. LOOK UP AND LIVE! – that’s the message we hear today. The yellow sign we often see is about danger coming from above: watch out for the power above that could zap you. By contrast, in our Christian life the danger comes from below, from around us and within us. We are in danger of spiritual snake-bite, and deadly venom can get into our lives: into our relationship with God and our relationships with one another. But look up and live! Healing and deliverance and salvation come to us from above. As Moses lifted up the bronze serpent in the wilderness, so Jesus was lifted up on a cross, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.


God's awesome power

3 March, 2024 Colin Archibald (Lay reader)

When Moses was asked to take his shoes off in the vicinity of the burning bush, he would not have had any idea that he would stand again in the presence of God on Mount Sinai and receive the 10 Commandments with such an awesome display of power. Do we take the Commandments seriously? The Pharisees asked Jesus for a sign and Jesus said - ‘Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.’– no one at the time could see or understand what he was saying. Would we have? Would we metaphorically speaking, have taken our shoes of in his presence?

"Earth's crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God, But only he who sees takes off his shoes; The rest sit around and pluck blackberries." - Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

While we only see in part, do we see clearly enough to understand and experience God’s immense power and love?


Forget self, carry cross, follow me

25 February, 2024 Bishop Andrew Brook

If we are in paid employment, we all have a position description. It tells us what our tasks are, our working condition, our hours of work and our pay. In today’s gospel reading, we are presented with two position descriptions. The first belongs to Jesus. The position is saving the world. The tasks are suffering, rejection, crucifixion, and resurrection. No human being would, or could sign up to this. Only Jesus could do it. And because of his patient and suffering love, he now calls us to be with his disciples. And our position description: forget self, carry cross, follow me. He only calls in the strength of what he has done. Our work is founded on his work.


Jesus' dirty washing

18 February, 2024 Pastor Alwin Schirmer

The way Peter reasons it, Jesus is that unique water, applied in baptism, which washes away all our dirty sinfulness, declaring: For Christ also died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous…. Baptism… now saves you … Simply put, this is what I mean by today’s message theme: Jesus’ Dirty Washing.

Profoundly, it was not his dirt but ours. The washing was ours, not his … not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a clear conscience toward God.

Alluding to the Old Testament Day of Atonement ritual, the sermon today elaborates on Jesus' Temptation and how this is profoundly connected to his baptism and our own baptisms.


Shining in the Darkness: Hope and Assurance in Christ

11 February, 2024 Ryan Kennealy (Lay Reader)

In our message for today, we hear how St Paul unveils a profound truth: despite our earthly frailty, we carry within us the radiant light of Christ. The world may be veiled in darkness, and the future unknown, but the gospel illuminates our hearts, offering hope and assurance. It is this enlightening message that we are called to share with others. Through Jesus, we become beacons, shining forth God’s glory.


Wings like eagles

4 February, 2024 Colin Archibald (Lay reader)

We can see the effects of the wind and feel it’s presence but we cannot see it. Yet an eagle in the mountains can stretch out its large wings and without flapping them, harness this unseen force and soar to incredibly high altitudes.

'but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.’ Isaiah 40. 31


Knowledge Puffs Up, But Love Builds Up: Using Our Freedom in Christ Wisely and Lovingly

28 January, 2024 Ryan Kennealy (Lay Reader)

Have you ever wondered what to do when you face a situation where your Christian freedom seems to clash with the conscience of another believer? How do you decide what is right and wrong in matters that are not clearly spelled out in the Bible? How do you balance your liberty in Christ with your love for your brothers and sisters in the Lord? These are some of the questions that Paul addresses in 1 Corinthians 8, where he deals with the issue of eating food that has been sacrificed to idols. In this passage, he teaches us some important principles on how to use our freedom in Christ wisely and lovingly, without causing others to stumble in their faith. Let us listen to what God’s Word has to say to us today.
